The owner and organisation responsible for the content of this website is:
De Warande
Jan de Jagerlaan 2
6998 AN Laag keppel
The Netherlands
Tel: (0031) (0)575-847792
Registration number: 68855613
VAT number: NL163414439B02
Internet: E-mail: [email protected]
All rights reserved. All information (text, pictures, sound, video, etc.) on this website ( and all linked pages), unless otherwise stated, is owned by De Warande. The reproduction, publication, or storage in an automated database, of any part of this website, in any form by any means, whether that be electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, recording or in any other way, is without prior written permission from the author and photographer strictly prohibited. Photos and/or text used SOLEY for personal non-profit use is permitted. If you are interested in the commercial use of any photo on this website, then please contact our photographer, Geert Overmars, by sending an e-mail to [email protected]